1. Friends everyone has their own privacy , so if you don't want to show your profile picture, last seen or status to everyone then you can hide , even you can hide to your friends too, to appy this open whatsApp in that go to the setting>account>privacy there you may see something like this
now its up to you which one you want to hide , suppose you don't want to show your last seen to anyone then tap on last seen and change to nobody.
2.Read reciept
Friends Recently a new feature added in whatsApp "Read reciept " when you send msg to your friend and if He/She reads your msg then there will be blue tick, if you don't want that blue tick you can close it to appy this open whatsApp in that go to the Setting>Account>Privacy there you may see something like this
you can enable or disable it tapping on the read receipts.
3. WhatsApp web
friends this is very good feature of whatsApp with the help of whatsApp web you can use your whatsApp in your computer or laptop at once and very easily , for this go to the chrome brower in your pc , search on google " whatsApp web " click on the first result , when you click on that you will see a QR code , now open your whats app in your phone and go to whatsApp web click on that now you will see a window like this
Match this QR code to your pc whatsapp web QR code , after that you will be able to use your whatsApp in your pc .