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Mostly Used Exclamation Words

In grammar interjection or exclamation is a word used to express a particular emotion or sentiment.
Here I have posted some exclamation words that are commonly used . I hope it would be helpful for you.
1. Ah! - is used to express delight, relief, regret or contempt.
2. Aha! – is used to express satisfaction, triumph, or surprise
3. Alas! -is used to express sorrow.
4. Done- Alright,
5. Gosh – is   used to express surprise
Example- Gosh, I had never thought so!
6. Hell – is used to express angry,
Example- oh hell, I have lost my purse!
7. Hush    
Example- Hush, the baby is sleeping!
8. Oh- is used to express sorrow
Example- oh he lost his smart phone
9. Ooh - is used to express joy
Example-Ooh, I had never thought I would win this prize!
10. Ouch -is    used to express sudden physical pain
Example- ouch, you are standing on my foot!
11. Wow – is used to express surprise
Example- wow! Is this your own smart phone?
12. Well done-is used to praise someone
Example- you have got 95 out of 100 marks- well done!
13. Hurrah/Hurray –is used to express the happiness, celebration
Example- “it is Sunday tomorrow” ~’hurray!’
14. Thank god- is used to express gratitude
Example- Thank God, he did not ask about it.

15. Goodbye is used when you are leaving someone or when someone is leaving you.

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