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Synonyms- A word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.

Words       synonyms

1. Abandon         : leave, forsake, give up.
2. Attain               : gain, achieve, get, acquire.
3. Ascent             : rise, lift, elevation
4. Adversity        : misfortune, calamity, misery.
5. Attack              : assault, aggression, invasion.
6. Ability              : capacity, skill, talent.
7. Aid                    : assistance, help, relief, support.
8. Apology          : pardon, excuse, regret.
9. Adept               : proficient, expert, skillful.
10. Belief             : faith, confidence, trust.
11. Brave             : valiant, bold, courageous.
12. Bane               : curse, harm, mischief.
13. Benefit          : advantage, gain, profit.
14. Banish           : exile, expel, dismiss.
15. Beautiful      : lovely, pretty, handsome.
16. Busy               : engaged, employed, occupied.
17. Confess         : admit, acknowledge.
18.Consolation : solace, comfort.
19. Convict          : criminal, prisoner, captive.
20. Clever            : skillful, ingenious, talented, prudent.
21. Conflict         : clash, struggle, fight, strife.

22. Capture         : arrest, seize, apprehend.
23. Cultivate      : develop, grow, foster
24. Cunning        : shrewd, witty, crafty.
25. concern         : worry, anxiety.
26. Contain         : include, comprise, receive, enclose.
27. Corrupt         : demoralized, debased, dishonest.
28. Contribute   : subscribe, help, assist, give.
29. Copious        : enough, ample, plentiful, adequate.
30. Curtail           : reduce, diminish, shorten, lessen.
31. Defeat           : conquer, overcome, overthrow, crush.
32. Defer             : postpone, delay, suspend.
33. Docile            : gentle, submissive, humble.
34. Dynamic       : vigorous, forceful, impelling.
35. Deed              : work, action, act, achievement.
36. Delay             : postpone, linger, put off.
37. Distress         : trouble, misfortune, grief, discomfort.
38. Dreadful       : fearful, awful, and horrible.
39. Diversity       : difference, variety, dissimilarity.
40. Decide           : finalize, settle, determine.
41. Delightful    : charming, pleasing, and enjoyable.
42. Despise         : dislike, scorn, disdain, detest.
43. Destination : target, goal, end.
44. Devotee       : votary, worshiper, enthusiast.
45. Diminish       : lessen, reduce, decrease.
46. Demolish     : destroy, pull down, overthrow.
47. Disgrace        : dishonor, humiliation, insult.
48. Display          : show, reveal, exhibit.
49. Desolate       : solitary, neglected, dreary, lonely, barren.
50. Deliberate   : thoughtful, intentional, cautious.
51. Erect               : raise, upright, build.
52. Effort             : attempt, trial, endevour.
53. Encourage    : inspire, strengthen, promote.
54. Enemy           : opponent, foe, adversary.
55. Endeavor      : effort, exertion, attempt, strive.
56. Enthusiasm : zeal, great interest, sprite, fervour.
57. Esteem          : respect, regard, honour.
58. Enormous    : huge, excessive, tremendous.
59. Emerge         : appear, come forth, issue.
60. Fabricate      : build,construct,make up.
61. Fade               : dim, vanish, wither.
62. Faint               : exhausted, swoon, fade, weaken.
63. Fame              : reputation, renowned, distinction.
64. Flaw               : imperfection, defect, fault, blemish.
65. Grief              : sorrow, regret, distress.
66. Gift                 : present, contribution, donation.
67. Homage        : tribute, respect, reverence.
68. Humane       : kind, sympathetic, merciful.
69. Humble        : modest, meek, submissive.
70. Haven            : refuge, shelter, protection.
71. Ideal               : model, perfect, example.
72. Idle                 : lazy, inactive, unemployed.
73. Immortal      : eternal, everlasting, deathless, constant.
74. Incite             : stir, rouse, urge, instigate.
75. Infinite          : limitless, endless, boundless.
76. Kill                  : murder, massacre, assassinate.
77. Lustre            : brilliance, brightness, splendor.
78. Liberty           : freedom, independence.
79. Lack                : want, shortage, deficiency.
80. Magnificent    : grand, noble, splendid.
81. Mutiny          : revolt, rebellion,uprising.
82. Mourn           : lament, grieve, bewail.
83. Nefarious     : wicked, shameful, unlawful.
84. Obstacle       : impediment, hindrance, obstruction.
85. Obvious        : clear, evident, plain, distinct.
86. Offence         : injury, annoyance, insult, wrong.
87. Obsolete       : outworn, extinct, discarded.
88. Plead             : urge, state, assert.
89. Peak               : summit, top, pinnacle, apex.
90. Pledge           : promise, oath, vow, commit.
91. Pray              : request, beg, implore.
92. Precious        : costly, dear, priceless, invaluable.
93. Prevent         : stop, check, restrain, hinder, refrain.
94. Proceed        : advance, move, progress, continue.
95. Protect          : guard, defend, shield, save.
96. Quarrel         : dispute, controversy, wrangle.
97. Regard           : respect, esteem, consider.
98. Rude              : rough, savage, insolent, discourteous.
99. Rescue          : save, liberate, set free.
100. Rival             : competitor, opponent, contender.
101. Reliable        : trustworthy, dependable, responsible.
102. Ruin             : destruction, downfall, wreck.
103. Summary    : synopsis, substance.
104. Teach          : instruct, educate.
105. Tedious       : boring,dull, monotonous, wearisome.
106. Vanish         : disappear, fade, terminate.
107. Wisdom       : intelligence, foresight, prudence.
108. Yearn           : desire, pine, long, eagerly wish,aspire.
109. Yield             : surrender, submit, bow down.
110. Zenith           : top, summit, climax, peak.


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